Create your own fundraiser
Show how much you care about this cause by creating your own fundraiser. Whether big or small, your event raises money for research, advocacy and support.
When it comes to fundraising, there’s no limit to what you might do. Here are some ideas:
- Community events – Organize a BBQ, tea party, golf tournament, bike-a-thon, garage sale, or head shave.
- Workplace giving – Plan a team building activity at your office such as a dress-down day or bake sale. You could even start collecting donations at your next meeting. Your company may match the money that you raise, so be sure to speak with your human resources team about giving back to the community.
- Celebrations – Honour someone special in a unique way.
- Fitness challenges – Ask your friends, family and co-workers to support you in an upcoming fitness challenge, whether it’s climbing a mountain or running a marathon.
For more information, please contact Tara Frotten at or 1-877-413-7970 ext. 235.