Welcome to my personal page!
Hello everyone,
I don't know about you but this summer is slipping away from me faster than it ever has before. I apologize for getting this email to you at such a late date. I hope you understand.
Once again I will be joining the Walk of Hope to raise money for Ovarian Cancer. Even though I fortunately have been 7 years cancer free this walk is so so important to me.
The Walk celebrates the hope I carry with me every day – the hope for a future without this disease. I'm walking for all women and also for my granddaughters that better detection and cures are found and they never have to go through what I've been through.
Please provide your support by giving generously. The walk has been moved to a new location in Regina. I hope you will consider joining me if you can at the Miller Comprehensive High School located at 1027 College Ave on Sunday September 8, 2024. Information about the walk can be found on the Walk of Hope 2024 Regina web page. The money raised has really helped ovarian cancer patients in Saskatchewan and across Canada. Unfortunately 3000 Canadian women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year. Many of these women won't live to see 5 more years. Saying that makes me so grateful, yet extremely sad.
In closing, I know we have many charities that we can support. I hope you will choose this one, that is so near and dear to my heart. If you can't join me please donate to my team Wheat Kings and Pretty Things. Click on the donate button and follow the prompts. Click search for a team and any money you wish to donate will be added to my team. I hope you will help me to raise $3000.00 which is my goal for this year.
In closing, I wish to sincerely thank you for any past donations and hope you will be able to help me fundraise this year. Even better, if you can, I would love for you to join me on Sept. 8th.
Your grateful friend,

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