Welcome friends!
As many of you know, Ovarian Cancer has touched my family closely. My mother Valerie started her journey in 2014 after undergoing a preventative surgery, and coming out with a diagnosis was not what any of us expected. Our journey has had ups and downs and still continues, though we have been so thankful for the treatment she's been able to receive and medical care she continues to receive. We are grateful for the dedication of our survivors and their families, friends, and loved ones who year after year fundraise to propel research forward, so we can continue to have options.
After a simple blood test, I was found to be positive with the BRCA-2 gene mutation, which increases my changes of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. As a woman in her 20's, this news felt scary at first, but this fear has dissipated as I've been so well-looked after throughout my yearly oncologist appointments. I know my risks and I'm prepared. I wouldn't have known this information likely for a long time if it weren't for what my mother and so many others have overcome, and I'm so thankful to have this awareness.
Ovarian Cancer Canada is the only national charity that champions the health and well-being of women with ovarian cancer and others at risk of this disease. To date, the Walk has raised over $33 million to transform lives. Funds will be used to fund vital research, spur advocacy efforts, and provide support to those at risk, those living with Ovarian Cancer, as well as our incredible survivors.
Today, thousands of Canadian women are living with ovarian cancer and another 3,100 will be diagnosed this year. While we are progressing in the right direction, awareness has to be a continuous effort, which is why I choose to contribute to the Walk of Hope.
I encourage you register for the Walk and to donate to my personal page which also supports my mother's team, Val's Victorious Gals. Join us in person on Sunday September 8th at Spencer Smith Park for the 2024 Walk of Hope, and I guarantee you'll leave feeling inspired and hopeful.
Support her. Honour her. Love her. Let's make a difference, for her.

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