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Our Story

2024 Walk - Ottawa, ON

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Thank you for your support!

Team Jennie

Ovarian cancer will be the diagnosis for over 3,000 women in Canada this year, of those 3,000 half will not survive beyond 5 years. HALF!! 

As many of you know, in March of 2022, I was diagnosed with Stage 3c ovarian cancer. After having a complete hysterectomy and 6 rounds of chemotherapy my scans and bloodwork showed that I no longer had active cancer and was in a period of inactive cancer (sorta like remission)

I am participating in the Walk of Hope to spread awareness on this insidious disease; I say insidious because the early symptoms mimic menopause and there are no tests for early detection. Without early detection most women will only discover they have the disease in its later stages, the later the discovery the more likely it has spread to other organs making the fight that much harder. 

Unfortunately, in May of this year (2023) my blood work indicated that the cancer was back, after a CT scan it was confirmed. So now I’m fighting round number 2, bald again but still swinging. 

Of the women’s cancers ovarian is the deadliest because of the late stage detection and because treatment is not a cure. 

If you can make a donation to Team Jennie by following the link, you will be helping to fund research into areas like early detection and maybe one day a cure. TL;DR ovarian cancer bad, give money to make go away!!

Thank you for reading and for any donations made

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