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Our Story

2024 Walk - Fraser Valley, BC

Join me again this year to keep kicking ovarian cancer's butt!
Join me again this year to keep kicking ovarian cancer's butt!

Kaylie's Ovar-Achievers

Kaylie’s Ovarian Cancer Story

April 2022 I was given the shocking diagnosis of Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. I was 'too young' and 'too healthy' but this disease still had my number. Two major surgeries and 11 sessions of chemo later, so far I am thankfully No Evidence of Disease. I now take a daily maintenance drug, sort of like a mini chemo, every day to keep this aggressive disease at bay as long as possible.

Unfortunately, my story is not unique. Today, thousands of Canadians are living with ovarian cancer and approximately 3,000 will be diagnosed this year. It’s time to pick up the pace for ovarian cancer. Treatment outcomes have not improved in over 50 years. When 1 in 2 women diagnosed die within 5 years, it’s simply unacceptable. I want to see real change for this disease, and it is possible, but I can’t do it alone. I’m rallying support and we need you!

I am the captain of the team 'Kaylie's Ovar-Achievers' in the Abbotsford Walk of Hope and my goal is to be the top fundraiser in Abbotsford for the second year in a row. We can do this together! I would love to see you at the walk at Mill Lake, and I appreciate any donation you can afford.

Every dollar I raise supports Ovarian Cancer Canada, the ONLY national charity dedicated to overcoming this disease. I have benefitted from Ovarian Cancer Canada in so many ways, from the vital research they fund to the support groups that keep me sane.

The next big breakthrough in ovarian cancer is around the corner. As my OC friends and I say, 'we just have to live long enough for the science to get better.' A donation to the Walk pushes research further, faster and can save lives. Please give generously.

There is strength in numbers and it would mean so much to me if you joined my team. 

Thank you for your support and all the support I have received in the last year. It means the world to me, and everyone affected by this disease.

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