Welcome to My Page!
November 28, I was predictably sent for a chest x-ray, which I had done right away. My first clue that something was amiss was when the x-ray tech asked me "how long have you been short of breath?!". What followed was a lot of bloodwork, a late night urgent CT Scan and slowly things like liver failure, heart failure and pulmonary embolism were eliminated as cause for the pleural effusion identified on my chest x-ray.
December 5, we received the news that I have Ovarian Cancer. Between then and when I started chemotherapy in January 2023 was a blur of appointments, bloodwork and having liters and liters of fluid drained from my lungs (pleural effusions) and abdomen (ascites - up to 9 liters drained at a time).
By August 1, 2023 I had completed 9 rounds of chemo and had a complete hysterectomy. Since then I have been working hard to recover both physically and mentally, taking a PARP Inhibitor to prevent recurrence, having regular bloodwork and CT Scans done. Thankfully I remain stable with no evidence of active disease.
Thank you for your support. It means the world to me, and everyone affected by this disease.
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