Welcome to My Personal Page
Welcome back to this years 2024 Walk for Ovarian Cancer Sunday September 8th! Please join me!
Thank you for visiting. I hope you'll stay and learn more about what your sponsorship can do to help with raising awareness amongst women and research towards a cure for this disease that has taken many of our loved ones much too early. Today, thousands of Canadian women are living with ovarian cancer and another 3,100 will be diagnosed this year.
Each of these women is central to a family surrounded by people who love her. Just being there to support and honour her means everything. That’s why for the 9th year I am participating with thousands of others at the Ovarian Cancer Canada Walk of Hope.
Led by our dog Luna, adorned with her teal scarf, this is Val's Victorious Gals 7th year running and this year I am proud to have my family -Rachel, Kai, Victoria & Lisa walk with me as well as many friends. Mark has been by my side every step of the way. I have been able to endure this disease with the love and monumental support of my family and all my support group gals. I continue to fight this disease for the last 10 years and still today, but I stand strong and I will beat this once again!
This Walk celebrates the hope I carry with me every day – the hope for a future without this disease.
Every dollar I raise supports Ovarian Cancer Canada, the only national charity entirely dedicated to this important cause. Funds will be used to provide support, increase awareness, and fund vital research so that we can change the future for the women we love. In the 6 years Val’s Victorious gals have walked the Walk we have collectively raised over $30,000!!!
I appreciate your continued support and together we will make a difference!!!
Thank you, you are my Angel!
Luv Valerie
My journey..
10 years ago my life was forever changed. I learned I genetically carried the BRCA2 gene, which is a gene mutation for Breast and Ovarian Cancer. Proactively I underwent preventative surgery for a full hysterectomy only to find out that I already had ovarian cancer stage 3A. Another surgery, followed by 6 rounds chemo rendered me in a safe state. Two years after that another preventative surgery for breast cancer was my next step, …success!
Life was good for the next 4 years until I went into recurrence. 8 rounds of chemo was not even touching it. I was begging my oncologist to continue as it was my only hope. This was not possible, neither was surgery. I was extremely disheartened to say the least as treatments for ovarian cancer had not changed in 50 years….. and I had already utilized my best options. I’ll never forget my daughter who assured me that when one door closes another opens. This I could not see.
This is where the importance of research comes in and the donations you so selflessly give to the cause. Lo and behold a new medication had just come off of a 10 year trial and I was a candidate! Within one month my numbers were coming down and my disease was “contained”
I was given a new lease on life! I have been on this medication for the last 5 years until as of recent it is no longer containing my disease and I find myself back in chemotherapy treatment. I continue to remain optimistic. I will beat this once again! I am so thankful for each and every day I am given.
So thank you for taking the time to visit my page and giving myself and all women living with ovarian cancer a fighting chance.
Making an Impact
Has made a donation to this event
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Honour Roll
Rick Lintack
Fred & Diane Cranston
Anne & Dan
Joseph Fazari
Kevin and Roberta
Super Dave Slapinski
Kealyn, Kelsey and Eileen
Judy Robinson
Jeff & Coralin Lewis
Mary Couturier
Karen Tosello
Maureen and Ted
Mike Stevenson
Mark Stevenson
Ron & Nancy Vellenga
Jeanette Stevenson
Mike & Marg Vajda
Jeanette Didtrek
Eternal Bond Jewelry
Kathleen Smith
Linda Hanson
Linda Loranger
Mrs. Valerie Stevenson
Lisa & the Pei
Blake and Debbie Stevenson
Lori & Mike
Louise Giacobbo
Élaine & Philipe
Mrs. Sharon Yuill
Charmaine Menezes
Janet MacMahon
Victoria Stevenson
Lorraine Larkin
Cris Alexandre
Svitlana Grygorchuk
Tricia Baxter
Debbie Lowery
Jason Barichello
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